
Wealth Masters International - An Unbiased Review by Robert Quadra

Wealth Masters Income Opportunity Wealth Masters International provides online courses and seminars to persons who benefit in two ways: they learn all aspects of running a successful business and they are able to market these products as an affiliate. Some people have gained tremendous success and many have not. This review is presented like The Factor: "I report you decide."Background The company was founded by Marketing Entrepreneur Kip Herriage and is currently the CEO. Kip's background is within the financial industry many years working in Wall Street: The president of the company is Karl Bessey. Karl has an extensive background within the Multi Level Marketing industry. Obviously this team has a good mix of skills that brought together a good (not new) idea for the interested entrepreneur.Products In order to enroll at Wealth Masters International it requires an investment which is proportional to the level of commissions you earn. There are Master Levels that range from $1,500 to over $12,000.You can also join for $149, a fee payable on a yearly basis. When you decide to join at this level, a Pass Up of the first 3 sales is required. After that you become qualified and will start to receive a 100% commission.SupportMost online entrepreneurial businesses have some support in learning how to best market and sell your business; however, most are light bulbs marginal and really depend on the leaders that develop within or join the business. There is no difference here with Wealth Masters International. There are some phenomenal leaders in this company and they will provide good support.Conclusion People are making money here! The initial investment can be steep for many people, but there is always the option of the low buy-in for as little as $149 (3 Pass-Up sales Android Phones required). The products offered are not online at the time of this article, they are sent through the mail so the products are not immediately available after purchasing. There are some mentors providing online marketing tools that are impressive. Wealth Masters International is working for some and it seems that it may be a good fit for the self-starter. If you are a "newbie" to the home based business world, make sure that you compare similar opportunities before leaping because there are a few opportunities that have proven systems provided by the company and does not rely heavily on leaders that emerge from the market.

