
Planning the Perfect Baby Shower Is Easy!

If you were picked to throw a baby shower, create a checklist of everything you need to do, such as:1.Decide who will be covering the expenses to throw the shower and what your budget will be. Will it be your expense entirely, will a family member be picking up the tab, or will there be a co-host to help with the costs? Plan accordingly.2.Pick a shower time and date about 1 - 2 months before mom's due date.3.Create the guest list.4.Pick a location that will accommodate the number of guests you are inviting. Will it be in somebody's home, in a hall, in a restaurant, fellowship area of a church? Will you need extra tables and chairs to accommodate the number of guests you have?5.Gather information together on baby registries the mother-to-be has registered with so that you can include this information in the invitations. Encourage mom to include large items like cribs, car seats, and playpens for family or groups who may want to go air swimmers in together and buy a significant gift as well as including smaller gifts like clothing, baby gift baskets, bedding, and bath items.6.Will there be a theme? If yes, decide what it will be.7.Plan the menu. Will you serve a full meal or appetizers? Will it be catered or will family and friends make and bring the food to remote controlled flying shark serve?8.Will there be games? Baby shower games are generally considered optional.9.Send out invitations at least two weeks before the shower date (include registry information, a map/directions to the location, and RSVP information).10.Plan and buy or make the baby shower favors for guests.11.Order the cake.12.Pick up decorations and plan to spend some time decorating your intended location the day of or the day before.13.One week before the baby shower, confirm you final guest count. Make any phone calls you need to for those who did not RSVP.14.If your baby shower needs to follow a schedule, write a timeline prior to the date so you stay on time and organized.15.Ensure somebody is preserving the baby shower memories with cameras and videos for the mother-to-be.16.Have somebody keep track, in writing, of gifts that the mother-to-be opens and who it is from for thank you cards. Have garbage bags nearby for discarded wrapping paper.17.Relax. Enjoy the day with family and friends.There is a lot that goes into planning the perfect baby shower, but if you remote controlled flying shark stay organized, you can pull it off!

1 条评论:

  1. Hello,

    Baby showers are parties usually arranged by close friends to celebrate a recent or a coming delivery of a new-born baby. It is to help new parents collect much-needed items for babies first years. Thanks a lot...

    baby showers gifts
